ECTO-Mycorrhiza are fruiting bodies of fungi that live in symbiosis with mostly trees and other
woody perennial crops. The fungal threads grow in and around the root tops of tree roots. Inside the tree roots hyphen grow between root cells and form the hearty net. On the outside, the fungal threads form a jacket
that suppresses the growth of root hairs. Trees often have major benefits from this symbiosis.
Benefits that may also be of use in city planting.

BIOSYM-ECTO is a biologically active agent which helps the soil by symbiosis formation to a better absorption of to the plant available nutrients and also to endure better the droughts and ban the attacks by pathogens. The fungal threads grow in and around the root tops of tree roots. Inside the tree roots hyphen grow between root cells and form the hearty net. On the outside, the fungal threads form a jacket that suppresses the growth of root hairs. This secondary root system increases until seven times the plant root system. Damage to the roots by Phytophtora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Pythium will be reduced. Application in using at existing situations by injecting at the plant or tree roots.

ECTO-Mycorrhiza is found with: Abies (Fir), Acacia, Allocasuarina, Betula (Birch), Carpinus, Carya, Cedrus (Cedar), Fagus (Beech), Juniperus (Juniper), Larix, Nothofagus, Ostrya (Hop-Hornbeam), Picea, Pinus (Pine), Pseudotsuga (Douglas-fir), Pseudolarix, Quercus (Oak).